Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chautauqua Week One, Day three

Today has given me cause to once again be grateful for the musical abilities I was born with. The choir performed twice today: once in the first morning service of the season, and once at the regular Sunday evening Sacred Songs Service. We sang a total of about 6 different pieces. I must say that the thrill of being in the choir loft at the front of the large auditorium at Chautauqua rivals the thrills I get when singing at the Concert Hall at the Kennedy Center. It's truly the best seat in the house. The other wonderful part is that I get to hear our director play the huge Massey organ. I was literally in tears this morning when he ended the service with the famous Bach Toccatta and Fugue in d minor. I played that piece as a sophomore, and even though my organ playing days are far behind me, it is beyond words to hear an artist play the piece live and be sitting in a place where the pipes literally almost enfold you. Hearing this organ played is worth the trip up.

So this morning started with rehearsal, followed by the service. This included the famous three taps of the gavel to open the season. There is also a place in the prayers where they read the names of Chautauquans who have died in the past year. It's a very touching service and also pretty long. I had my lunch and then the rooming house where I'm staying had a get-together so everyone could meet and find out about the routines.

After that I attended a concert by the US Army Field Band and Chorus from Washington DC! They put on a great show including music from Mama Mia!! When that was over I made a split second decision to walk the half mile to the movie theater (it's a darling little quaint building) and see Adventureland. Not my favorite type of movie, but entertaining. I had to hustle back to my place after that to grab dinner before going to the rehearsal and song service tonight. That was followed by another mind blowing organ piece. Wonderful conversation in the kitchen/dining room with some of my new friends. And then up here to get ready to turn in. The REAL routine starts tomorrow, Monday.

I have decided to add week 8 to the mix. Which means I'll have three more weeks after this one. I can't get enough of this place! More tomorrow!