Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Week 1 Day 5

Today was rainy rainy rainy. And pretty heavy rain at times. But the saying up here is that the worst day at Chautauqua is better than the best day anywhere else. It was a great day for me.

I had my 8:15 rehearsal and then we sang at the daily service. I did not stay for the sermon today, but decided to work out. I went to the gym down by the shore this time. I was able to get in a good workout, and also take a good shower and wash my hair. Trudging back up the hill in the pouring rain, carrying all my wet clothes and towels made for another work out! I had decided to skip the 10:45 lecture, and now I'm kind of sorry I did. People are raving about the guy who spoke about brain developement and early childhood emotional development. The consolation prize up here if you have to choose not to see something that you are interested in, is that they make recordings of most programs and you can buy tapes. I'll think I will definitely buy the tape of this lecture and listen to it on the way home.

I made the paper again!!! This time it was a color photograph of the whole choir singing the Sunday evening service. And there I am in the front row!!!

After lunch I attended an organ recital in one of the smaller auditoriums. An historic "tracker" organ. I love hearing any organ program I can and this one was great. Went from there to the place where Elaine Pagels was speaking again . .this time about the gospel of Judas and the gospel of Mary Magdelene. She is excellent. Then to my writing class which was really fun. I'm enjoying doing the writing, sharing it, and listening to everyone else's.

After dinner I had the once weekly evening motet choir rehearsal at the same building where I went to the organ concert today. The woman who is going to let me stay at her house on Saturday so that I can sing on Sunday before leaving to go home, is on the board of the Washington Choral Arts Society, even though she no longer lives in DC. How wierd is that? We just discovered that connection tonight!

The performance tonight was high school age kids tap dancing. Very interesting but no Garrison Keillor. But it allows me to go to bed on time tonight and be able to get up tomorrow early enough to go to the Farmer's market again before breakfast.

Time seems to be flying. It will be hard to leave on Sunday, but at least this year I'll know I'm coming back! Until tomorrow!