Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chautauqua week 1 day 5

As I write this I'm in my room and the outside door is open and I'm hearing the Sesame Street characters down in the amphitheater. There are little kids EVERYWHERE!!! They sound pretty cute from up here!

Today after the regular church gig this morning, I wandered over to the St. Elmo building where they have a spa. I've had a really stiff neck for two days. From an iffy pillow, working out without stretching first, watching lots of concerts, etc. etc. Glory be they got me right in. I had the best 45 minute massage ever. My neck is better by a long shot. (Imagine "C is for Cookie" playing in the background).

I made it to the 10:45 lecture which was about how today's kids don't have the same connection to nature that we did in our day, and how that is detrimental to them. They call it Nature Deficit Disorder, or No Child Left Outside! It was pretty compelling stuff. I know I had lots more outdoor, independent (soccer doesn't count) experiences when I was a child and could play in the park across the street pretty much to my heart's delight. We didn' t have to come home until we heard my mom blow the whistle. . .literally. . our signal was two short blasts, not to be confused with other whistles blowing for other kids in the neighborhood. What a bygone time!

I grabbed a quick lunch so that I could be back in the amphitheater by 12:15 for the organ recital on the big pipe organ in there. It is massive and our conductor plays it beautifully. Bach at the beginning and Charles Ives Variations on America at the end. Heaven.

Then I went to get my seat at the last lecture by Elaine Pagels, this time about the Book(s) of Revelations. I need to read more of her work after I leave here. Then to my 3rd writing class. Today we were to pick a word to write about. I picked Basil! I actually wrote for 10 minutes about basil and was pretty happy with what came out. Who knew?

I took a long walk around the north part of the grounds. Found a great park area right across the street from Roger Goodell's (commissioner of the NFL) beautiful home. I read a couple chapters of my book under a big elm tree overlooking the lake. Then I walked around and found the house of the woman with whom I'm staying on Saturday night in order that I can sing on Sunday morning before I leave.

When I got back I checked my phone messages. Casey had called yesterday so I was able to return his call. Apparently after working at this company for only a matter of months, Casey is teaching his team some of his techniques. Not only that, but he had called yesterday to announce that he had officially paid off all his credit card debt! Wow!!!!! I know that feels great.

I was going to attend the classic film festival tonight, but I figured I could rent the film on Netflix, but I may never ever again have the chance to see the Muppets live. HOwever, they weren't the puppets, but characters in costume. It was still cute.

And so another day is over. I can hear the crowds leaving the amphitheater. Now I'll go down in the kitchen where everyone will be gathering for an after-concert snack. The Chautauqua bells are ringing the hour from the bell tower by the lake. Bob, from Sesame Street is signing autographs and selling CD's at the kiosk. God's in his heaven and all's right with the world. RP