Thursday, July 8, 2010

And the Heat Goes On!

Well, after bragging for years that I never get sick (15 years plus and counting), I believe I have a summer cold! I wouldn't consider this "sick" but a scratchy throat and drippy nose have taken over! My theory is that I caught something from the "community kitchen" which has been over run this week by families with lots of kids. Some of those kids are responsible for washing the dishes in their families, and I suspect not getting it entirely right! So I'm eating healthy, taking my vitamins, getting rest, and drinking lots of water. I fully expect this to be on the way out in the morning!

The lecture this morning was really an interview between two highly accomplished and remarkable people: interviewer Nancy Gibbs, executive editor of Time Magazine (and author of over 100 cover stories, more than anyone else) and interview-ee David Westin, president of ABC News. Loved hearing these two discuss the state of media today and its role in transferring information to the public. Particularly given the weekly topic of Ethical Leadership.

Heard a talk by Lawrence Hill, author of Someone Knows My Name which I read earlier this week. One of my favorite things is hearing an author discuss a book I have loved.

Choir tonight to prepare for the Sunday services. The music will be fun and challenging this week. . . .a gospel setting of The Hallelujah Chorus is one of the highlights (and one of the challenges).

Skipped the orchestra concert tonight to see yet another movie. . . .City Island which I really loved. I recommend this movie highly! Andy Garcia and Juliana Margulies star about a disfunctional family who finally find their way back to each other. Funny and touching.

I'm hitting the hay to stay in front of this cold. Rain and storms predicted tomorrow after 4-5 days of high heat and humidity. We've certainly had the wide spectrum of weather in the past two weeks. Got a picture forwarded to me from my friend Sandy. It shows her and her "adopted" African daughter, Tabu, deep in conversation in Uganda. Can't wait to hear her stories when she gets back. Over and Out.