Monday, July 5, 2010

Week 2, The Ethics of Leadership

"Actually, I really think that President Obama is the person I'd most trust with the presidency right now." David Brooks, CONSERVATIVE (!) op-ed columnist for the NY Times, and moderator of PBS News Hour.

Well, now, that is a pretty surprising statement, all things considered. But let's not for a moment think that Mr. Brooks is in complete agreement with the policies of the current president. But all in all, that was a surprising and generous statement. But I guess when you consider the liberal leanings of the Chautauqua crowd, we can say he knows his audience.

So, a heavier topic for this week. Roger Rosenblatt and his friends have departed. I come to Chautauqua to sing and soak in anything that is put out there. I don't choose the topics. But this one promises to be interesting, and David Brooks, our first morning lecturer did not disappoint. He was funny, and relaxed and reasonable. It was nice hearing a conservative mindset that I could somewhat relate to. I feel the same way when I hear commentary by Ben Stein on CBS Sunday Morning.

This was a day for going from one sitting event to another. My advancing years have resulted in the fact that if I sit for a long time, my hips stiffen up! YIKES! I feel like I'm still 25 on the inside. What has happened to my body???

I am reading the book of the week: Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill. In Canada the title of the book is The Book of Negroes. What a great read! I started it two days ago and I'm practically done. The author himself will be here Thursday to discuss the book. But today, my friend Susan Laubach gave the book review presentation on the porch of Alumni Hall. That was terrific. Then my friend, Penny, from Charlottesville and I sat on the porch and discussed this morning's lecture. After that. . . the 2:00 lecture by Thomas Beech of the Fetzer Institute in Michigan. The mission of the Fetzer Institute is philanthropic with an emphasis on promoting love, forgiveness and compassion in a world that sorely needs more of all three.

After all that sitting I knew I needed to go to the gym. However I really didn't want to. It's in the high 80's again, and very humid. But I rallied and got to the gym anyway and worked out for about 40 minutes. After a shower I went to the movies and saw Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carrell, and it was actually pretty cute and funny. There was a youth orchestra concert at 8:15, but I left after the Mozart. Too much sitting for one day. . . .my butt hurt!

Tomorrow I seal the deal on my condo for next year. I picked the cute expensive one. I'll figure out the money all in good time. Talked to both my sons on the phone. They and their girlfriends spent the 4th in Pensacola with their dad, and that is always the stuff of great stories! My book is calling me back. You should read this one. . . .seriously.