Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day. . . . Take 2

Will the real July 4th please stand up????

I gotta tell you. . . I'm a little tired of America the Beautiful. I figure I've sung that song in several different arrangements at least a dozen times in the last 4 days. I mean I like purple mountain majesties as much as the next guy, but enough is enough!

It's Sunday and we sang morning and evening. The humidity has returned, and choir robes are heavy! Alot of sweating took place today!

After church one of my Chautuaqua friends that I met last year, Delores, stopped by my house. She and I took a trip to Wegman's which is always fun. I broke down and got a Wegman's card, since I occasionally find myself at the Fairfax, Virginia store when I'm in town. I got supplies for the next week, and also dinner tonight . . . tilapia, broccoli and roasted vegetables.

After getting our groceries unpacked, Delores and I walked around the town and talked. It was fun hanging with one of my friends, and that is happening more and more up here.

After my dinner I went to sing at the Sunday Sacred Song Service where American the Beautiful reared it's patriotic head yet again (we had sung a different arrangement at the morning service). But the service was nice and meaningful and the icing on the red, white, and blue cake that was this weekend!

A week from tomorrow morning I'll be heading for home. The Wintergreen music festival starts this week, so I will be coming into that a week late once I get home. I'm sure they'll muddle along without me until I arrive. Looking forward to my second week here and wishing I was staying the whole season. All in good time my pretty. . . . . . .