Wednesday, July 7, 2010


"No problem of human destiny is beyond human solutions." JFK

I can't believe it's already Wednesday of week 2! Time really flies up here.

Another hot hot day. Last Wednesday night I was in my heavier jacket!

The lecture today was given by a very impressive woman, Cheryl Dorsy. Her specialty is social entrepreneuership. She is president of Echoing Green, a company that gives grants to people who have ideas about how to benefit groups of peoples lives and to help assist them in becoming self-sufficient. Great stuff.

At noon was the weekly organ recital on the Massey Organ in the AMP. Today he played two Chorales by Cesar Franck, one of which I played for my junior recital in college, many years ago. It was a thrill to hear that piece again and to remember a time when I could play it.

Two o'clock lecture was Otis Moss III, the preacher who I was so crazy about that I chose my weeks the last two years so that I could be here when he was here. He is the pastor of the church in Chicago that is attended by Barack Obama when he is in town. Otis is always dynamic. . . he used jazz music as a metaphor for how the US needs to work. . . that is. . . an ensemble of different instruments from different cultures, who, while playing together, allow each instrument in turn to be the solo and to not interrupt.

At 3:00 I headed for the gym at the beach, and worked out for about 40 minutes. Even as cold as they keep the gym, I could really work up a sweat in this humidity.

Showered and had an early dinner so I could get to Classic Movie Night at the theater. Tonight's movie: Foreign Correspondent by Alfred Hitchcock. I love Classic Movie Night!

And so another day draws to a close with families on porches, people sharing ice cream, people taking their dogs on the evening walk. It's Norman Rockwell Land.

Was able to get a room back in the the first building for my last two nights here as I extend past checkout day so that I can sing the Sunday Evening service before departing on Monday morning. I know, I know. . .hideous sentence, but I'm too tired to fix it!

I'm hitting the hay after doing some reading on The Red Thread! Gotta start The Girl Who Played With Fire for book club back at home in a couple of weeks! Til tomorrow!