Saturday, July 10, 2010

Phase 3

I have moved again. After all, it's Saturday. To celebrate, I went and signed the contract and paid the downpayment on my 9-week condo for next year where I will only have to move in once and then stay put!

The landlady is so nice. She asked: "Will you want a television?" Answer: "NO!"
"Will you want a phone?" Answer: "No!"
"Well if you think of anything you'd like to have here, just let us know."

HMMMMMM. . . .maybe a case of Rosemont Shiraz????? (Of course that thought went unspoken.)

I'm on the mend, but the cold has now migrated to my throat in that I'm periodically hacking up all the phlegm. Not a pretty picture I know, but significant in that I only stayed the extra two days in order to sing in the two services tomorrow. I hope I'm actually able to do that without creating a distraction. My voice is holding out for the most part. Many thanks for all the messages of concern for my first illness in 15 years. . . .oh wait, I didn't get any messages of concern. Hey. . ..I had a COLD here! Where's the love?

Started the morning making two trips out to the car (about a mile round trip each time) to take stuff. Then I moved the bare necessities back into the building I started in, and into my room from last year. I love this little room ("little" being defined as twice as big as the room I was in last week). I wish I was staying for the whole week!

I spent a couple of spectacular hours watching the orchestra rehearsal for tonight's concert. A Beethoven piano concerto, and then Beethoven's 5th Symphony. I know it's a war horse, but I love it, especially the 2nd and 3rd movements.

Choir practice tonight. . .I tried to keep my hacking to a minimum. The weather has cooled off and is bright and sunny. Very very Chautauqua-esque!

After choir I went to the one upscale restaurant to see if I could go in and just order a glass of wine (that's good for a cough, right?). Apparently there is a policy at Chautauqua that if you order wine, you have to order an appetizer. This is probably to encourage people not to be publicly drunk, probably caused by not soaking up the alcohol with something solid. So I just went without wine. Next year in the condo, all that is going to change!

About half through with That Old Cape Magic, by Richard Russo. Loving it. Stand by, Joan, I'm sending it to you when I'm done due largely to the fact that it has settings in Indiana and Cape Cod!!!!

Okay. . . hitting the hay. I need my rest!!!