Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 16

What I did:

Sang church service this morning.

Sang at a memorial service for former choir member and long-standing Chautuaquan.

Attended ice cream social at the house where I'm staying.

Saw the movie UP. Hilarious. More of a senior citizens movie than a kid's movie despite animation. Two different kids had to be carried out of the theater in hysterics of fear!!! But the film was phenominal.

Rehearsed and sang in the evening Sacred Song service. Theme was Spanish carols and lullabies. Really beautiful.

Tonight at the service I looked up to see Bill Duty in the audience. He is the 91 year old of whom I spoke a couple of days ago. He came to the service to see me sing in the choir. I can't describe how wonderful it is to have someone out there watching me. It was like having my dad come to a concert. This is a rare treat at this stage of life, and I'm very grateful for it.

And my 60th birthday trip last May pales in comparison to my friend Sandy G. who turned 70 this month. On Tuesday she heads off alone for a 10 day hike on the Appalachian Trail where she plans to cover 110 miles in 10 days. . . in essence, being dropped off at Front Royal and walking back home, the length of Shenandoah National Park. That is just too impressive for words. I want to be her when I grow up!

The regular week starts tomorrow, and I'm hitting the hay to get ready! Signing off! RP