Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18

This week is taking on a personality of its own based on my class and my residence. I find myself concentrated in the south part of the town this week. I'm spending daily time in Alumni Hall and it's just a big teddy-bear of a building - drop dead gorgeous inside and out, and full of rich woods, subdued restful colors and cozy rooms or nooks with comfortable chairs. Also, the nicest bathrooms on the grounds.

I did church this morning and then helped the choir manager put 135 copies of a piece of music in numerical order. For some reason I LOVE tasks like this. Just like I love to untangle yarn. It's so left-brained and restful for me. The task is obvious, the steps logical, the outcomes immediately apparent. I know. . . I'm a strange bird.

Under the heading of "You can't do everything," I opted to skip the lecture this morning in order to go do my weight training at the gym. This is one of the few times when a class is not meeting in the weight room, and I had the place to myself when I got there. Weight training is hard, but extremely satisfying. Unlike cardio for me which is only hard. I celebrated before my 3rd set of 15 by switching from 6 pound weights to 7 pound weights. This was a big victory for me. I was tempted to celebrate with an ice cream cone, but then what would be the point? And let me say there is nothing more spectacularly wonderful than a long hot shower and hair wash after a grueling weight lifting session. I admit it. . . I like weight training (particularly right after I finish).

Had lunch and went to the library to work on the assignment for my writing class. It is particularly tricky for me, and I can't even describe it (because I'm a lousy writer, I guess). Suffice it to say, I got some good pondering done, but nothing concrete. HOwever here's a cool fact. . . .one of the women in my writing class almost married Noel Stookey who is Paul from Peter, Paul and Mary. They were my abolute heroes in middle and high school, so I was very impressed with the news and plan to pump her for details before the week is out. The writing instructor is Sherrie Flick who just published her first novel which I bought today. She is a fabulous writer. It's fun just to be around her for the week, my so far failed assignment notwithstanding.

While I was in class, a big thunderstorm came up and managed to squeeze the buckets of humidity out of the air. Alumni Hall is a great place to be in a storm. When it was over, and when class was over, I went next store to the Hall of Christ which is a large, church-like (shocker) building next to Alumni Hall. There was a lecture by a woman who just wrote a book on the Farmettes - the women who, during WWI took over the farming duties in the country while the boys were at war. There was a chapter of the group at Chautauqua. It is a fascinating story.

After dinner (stuffed peppers which I got at the farmer's market this morning - yum!) I struggled with the writing assignment again - redirected my thinking but nothing concrete yet. We had an hour long rehearsal back at the Hall of Christ. Then I attended the second to the last orchestra concert of the season. Great concert ending with Ravel's Bolero. You either love that piece or you hate it. I unabashedly LOVE it!!! I feel like smoking a cigarette when it's over if you catch my drift. I don't, however, smoke a cigarette.

I'm thinking about my friend Sandy out on the AT tonight by herself! Her husband Bill appears to be sending out daily updates. Even my "nun's cell" is many steps above the inside of a tent on the hard ground. Stay tuned. . . there is adventure everywhere! RP