Friday, August 21, 2009

August 20

I'be been here a week and done about 6 months worth of stuff! I'm SOOOOOO glad I'm not packing up to leave tomorrow!

This morning after church I gave myself an hour to find a computer hooked to a printer so that I could print out my story for class. I was the only one who had not shared their writing. I was able to get the printing done in about a minute and a half once I got to the library and waited around for a computer to free up.

I grabbed a lunch and headed for the porch of Alumni Hall. Sherrie Flick, my writing teacher, was giving a talk on the history of Flash Fiction. She even displayed some of our post-it stories. Then we went upstairs and had our last class session. I shared my story and got some great feedback, at least 95% of it positive which made me feel great. Always hard to break up a writing class. Something about writing and sharing that brings people pretty close. My New York actress with a house at Wintergreen friend walked back together and she invited me to her house when she and her husband are down at W'green during Labor Day weekend. Also ran into my friend Lois, mentioned yesterday, and she and I are going to try to see Gail Sheehy speak together tomorrow. (I know. That syntax is terrible. So much for the writing class!)

I dressed in my best clothes that I brought (basically my WHITE jeans instead of the other ones) and went to the Atheneum Hotel (about a 2 1/2 minute walk from here) for the pre-opera dinner. I had a glass of Chardonnay! Also salmon, salad, and chocolate lava cake!! Yum. Sat with some fabulous people. A widow from Kansas who owns a condo up here, and some friends of hers that were visiting. We had great conversations about books, Cuba, teaching, singing in choir, etc. It's easy to talk to almost anyone you encounter around here, but these folks were particularly nice. Took the shuttle to the opera. Pirates of Penzance is my least favorite of the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas that I know. However, this was a lively production, with clever choreography and "bits" and very talented people. Most enjoyable. When I walked back to the house I was able to catch the very end of the Beach Boys (well, the Beach Boy wanna-bes. Only Mike Love, the second most obscure BB after Mike Jardin, is still in the group. They sing the songs, but they don't really have the sound. But having said that, I had a great time grooving and singing to Kokomo and Fun Fun Fun. But I miss the Wilson brothers. I still remember when we got to sing for Brian Wilson when he received a Kennedy Center Honor. Not sure how much old Brian was aware of what was going on. Apparently there's a price to pay for all that Fun Fun Fun. But it was a memorable evening anyway.

Tomorrow should be a light day. I can sleep in since there's no choir until 6 at night. Gail Sheehy is the only thing on my agenda except I'm going to try to get to the gym in the morning for the dreaded cardio. My friend Sandy is hanging tough out on the trail. She needs moleskin for her shoulders, believe it or not from carrying the pack. She climbed the highest peak today and says she has seen lots of bears. That Sandy is made from some strong stuff for sure. Think good thoughts about her!!! RP