Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23

The beginning of Week 9 and all bets are off! When Otis Moss III arrives on campus, everything changes.

Two years ago I came to Chautauqua for the first time. I picked the week based on the fact that the Inn I found on the internet had a special going for that week. Seemed a likely reason to me. I was wandering through the amphitheater area on that first Sunday, and I heard a voice preaching. It was Otis Moss III, then the associate pastor of the Trinity Church in Chicago. Back then it was a fairly well-known church, but storms were brewing. The pastor of the church was none other than Jeremiah Wright who got in all the hot water around comments he made. They were significant, because a man named Barack Obama, who was running for president was a member of that church. The religious right took the opportunity to take Wright's comments and make them a condemnation of Obama.

Flash forward two years. Otis is now the senior pastor of that church. Once I had heard Otis preach, I couldn't miss any of his services. Now remember, I am not someone who practices organized religion in any way. This man is just a truly gifted speaker. I chose my week last year based solely on when Otis Moss was going to be on the grounds. Last year he had to leave early because of all the brou-ha-ha's surrounding the Obama campaign. But he's back for the whole week this time, and he brought his phenominal choir with him. So in church this morning, our choir was divided in half and each sat on the far end of the choir loft. The Trinity Choir sat in the middle. And they, and Otis brought down the house. The choir gave a concert after the service and the crowd went just as nuts as they had for the Beach Boys. Otis was articulate and insightful and just plain exciting. I look forward to every service this week just so I get to hear him. The choir returned to Chicago tonight.

I went to another wonderful movie: Seraphine. . . in French with subtitles. Based on the true story of the woman French artist Seraphine de Senlis. Compelling story and beautifully produced and acted. Tomorrow I plan to see Frost/Nixon which Dave and I saw as a play at the Kennedy Center, but which movie I have managed to miss.

Tonight was our second to last Sacred Song service. The choir sat in the congregation with audience members all around us. Very different and fun.

I plan to squeeze every bit of activity I can from Chautauqua on this last week of the season. I only have one class for three days, so I'm hoping that I can get several times at the gym. This time next week I'll be packing up to go back to the real world.

My friend Sandy has now accomplished over 75 miles of her 100+ mile walk. She walked 4 1/2 hours yesterday in driving rain. My God, it boggles the mind! Can't wait to hear her stories when I get back! Til tomorrow. . . RP