Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Well, my cup runneth over today. I've had messages and calls from all my favorite people. . . even out here on this island. Thank goodness my phone works better here than in Virginia!

Joan and I have had a stellar day, despite wind and rain. We decided to have a wonderful birthday lunch instead of dinner. We went back to the place where we ate yesterday because I saw something on the menu that just looked too good for words. So we each got a glass of delicious Vigonier, my new favorite wine, and then an order of lobster risotto which was to die for. After lunch we walked over to the Smart Car place and reserved a shiny black car for Thursday at noon. We decided to reserve our bikes for tomorrow. The bike place is closed tomorrow so we got a great deal of a one day fare but we got the bikes overnight. And wonder of wonders the sun broke through as we were paying for the bikes so we rode them home. It stayed dry, if cloudy so we did some bike riding today. We stopped long enough to read the last chapter of our semi-trashy novel. Loved it and read that the author is local. So we looked her up in the phone book and decided that life was too short not to have an author stalking afternoon.

We got on our bikes and rode to her house. I had a fantasy that she would be out in the yard working on her garden, we would ride up and tell her the fascinating and delightful story about my 60th birthday, the fact that we chose her novel to read, and the fact that we had just finished the novel in the last hour. Then she would invite us into her house, sign our books, and we would all have sparkling reparte' over a glass of wine. What really happened is that her street was flooded, her front door was open, but we chickened out of going up to the door. Oh well.

However, we passed a golf course and are considering the possiblity of taking a golf lesson if we can arrange it. Shout out to Casey and Patti(who is playing a match play tournament championship tomorrow!) If I find any balls while I'm there I'll grab them for you.

Home to dinner of clam chowder which we had picked up at "Stubby's". We had stopped at the grocery and wine shop while on our bikes. However, getting home I realized that we had not remembered our "medicinal chocolate" so after dinner I walked back to the store and got that. We ended the day by drinking wine, eating chocolate while watching The Biggest Loser. No irony there.

All the while retrieving calls from my loved ones! Shout out to everyone. . . I am so completely blessed in this part of my life. Thank you everyone for being a part of my wonderful life. But it's not over even though I can no longer brag about being in my 50's (well, I could, but it would be a lie!). So tune in tomorrow. . the best is yet to be. RP