Saturday, May 30, 2009


Our last day of the Ruth Powell month-long 60th Birthday Bash was wonderful! Patti and I did not have to check out of the Homestead until noon, so we made the most of that. We ordered breakfast delivered to our room (it was included in our B&B package!). We ordered enough breakfast for 6 people. However, we didn't mean to. Apparently one serving of strawberries means "the entire patch." Over-priced and over-sized portions continue to be my nemesis because I'm still a compulsive eater and a child of the depression mentality, and I HATE to throw anything away. All my issues coming to roost on one breakfast table. However, it was pretty cool eating breakfast on a table that was wheeled in, overlooking the beautiful mountains outside our balcony. And of course, it being our departing day, the weather was bright and sunny!

I decided that, given the whole breakfast pig-out, I would go back down to the pool and do a water work-out. Again, I had the whole pool to myself. So I was in this gorgeous room with this vintage arched ceiling and chandeliers, swimming in warmed water from the mineral pools. I swam for about 25 minutes, got out and read a chapter of Loving Frank, and got back in for another 20 minutes. I'll miss that pool!

We checked out at noon and drove home through the beautiful Virginia countryside. We stopped in Staunton with the idea of finding a matinee movie, but no matinees on Fridays yet. So we came home. Our last dinner was one brought by Patti and left in the freezer for tonight. . . . . .lobster tails and asparagus!!!! It was delicious, and we still had lots of birthday cake left. Not to mention the lemoncello that Patti also brought! So ends my eating orgy. But what a way to go.

After a week of rain, the grass is back up, so I'll have to mow again this weekend. It won't take so long since the grass is not that high and I can move the mower faster. I have a bird stuck in my woodstove, and there are 4 or 5 dead giant bees or something in my dishwasher (?????). Seems like the critters were partying in my house while I was gone. It will be good to get Chester back on Monday to take care of crowd control around here.

And so ends my saga of travels, friendships, family, eating, hiking, touring, being decadent, laughing and loads of memories. To my traveling and visiting companions, I love you all so much. To my followers, ditto! I will continue blogging when I leave for Chautauqua on June 25. You're welcome to join me. . . . . .Love, RP (Bix)