Friday, May 15, 2009


After nearly a week, I'll be bidding Boston a very fond farewell with the promise to be back. I really love this city, and I love getting around by any means other than my car. Driving here is a nightmare, but public transportation is a breeze!

Joan will appreciate this next story. I have been waking up every morning very early because it gets light here around 5 am. Last night, my first night at Jean's, I had a room where I could draw the drapes and keep the room dark. And I slept until almost 10 o'clock!!!!!!!I was pretty embarrassed when I came downstairs. I guess I must have needed all that sleep, but HOW RUDE!!!!!!!!

We ate a quick breakfast and headed to the JFK Library. This was a fabulous choice. We all remember JFK (well, my kids don't) and it was very moving to see all the exhibits. I could have stayed all day and watched ALL the videotapes they offered. Watching the Kennedy/Nixon debates made me realize that we're still battling many of the same issues today. I really loved going to the JFK museum/library. It is truly a "must see."

We went from there back to Cambridge where we had lunch at a local Indian restaurant. Shout out to Casey for getting me into Indian food. It was delicious and provided big enough portions to bring half the meal back to have for dinner.

In between lunch and dinner, Jean took me to the Mount Auburn Cemetery, which is the nation's first garden cemetery. Lots of bird-watchers out today. Summer arrived today and it was actually hot! This cemetery, along with having many famous people buried there (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Mary Baker Eddy, Henry Cabot Lodge, etc), also has miles of paths, lakes and ponds. We watched a Blue Heron sunning himself on the top of a very tall tree. Never seen one of those up in a tree before and he looked like he was doing transcendental Meditation up there with his wings fanned out to catch the sun. I could almost hear him chanting "OMMMMMMMMM" from where I sat. Also there is a great view of the Boston skyline from there.

We drove back past Henry W. Longfellow's house. I was pretty sure old HWL was not at home since I had recently seen his grave.

We rested a bit and ate the rest of the Indian food. Jean had gotten us tickets to a ballet presentation at her church which is on Harvard Square. A great ballet company that is based in the church. Very impressive performance.

Tomorrow I leave for Maine. I'm tired of all this hot weather!!!!! It's been hot for about 16 hours now, and I've had it! Look for my entry tomorrow from Bar Harbor.