Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day Nine - Last day in Nantucket

Well, under the heading All Good Things Must Come To An End. . . . here we are on the last full day. It was rainy again today. Somehow all we wanted to do was sit and read since we finished our "trashy" (which turned out not to be too trashy) novel and both started on different books. I bought a second book by the same author, again set on Nantucket. It's such fun to read a book when the setting is literally where you are at the moment.

Around mid-day we took a walk into town to see if we needed reservations for the ferry tomorrow AM. We had our last restaurant meal at the Rose and Crown. We walked around parts of town that we had missed before. It's fun getting off the beathen track here and seeing how the local folks live. Stopped at Even Keel for coffee and a rest. Went home ot read and napped some more. Back into town for a last look around, and clam chowder to take home to dinner. It was misty and very Nantucket-y. Now we're packing, doing laundry, etc. We are going to catch the 9:30 ferry with Briscoe Darling picking us up at 8:45. If you don't understand the reference, read day 3. I will be sitting in the back seat this time.

Can't believe that at this time tomorrow Joan will be on her way home and Bonnie and I will be in Rockport, Mass. Phase 1 has been a rousing success!!!! RP