Tuesday, May 12, 2009


If I were to sum up the food priorities on this trip they would have to be:

1. seafood
2. french fries

This second one was totally unintentional. After years of eschewing (as oppposed to chewing) the dreaded french fry, I find that they tend to accompany lunch items, and once started, I'm powerless to stop. So I guess if my new rule is that I can shamelessly indulge in french fries every 10 years, then so be it. Can one claim moderation if one averages out abstainence and binging?????

3. Boston Cream Pie

This was on my bucket list. However, I didn't know it was on my bucket list until yesterday when our guide pointed out the Omni Parker House Hotel as the place where Boston Cream Pie was invented. From that time on I made it my life's mission to have a piece of BCP at that hotel. This day-long dream was made a reality today when we stopped by and had the desert! More on that later!

Okay - we took the train back into Boston today. Now we were old hands and could concentrate more on how cute the conductors were than on whether or not we had the correct change. Observation: most men under the age of 35 are really cute.

Leaving the train we walked the remainder of the Freedom Trail (sans the haul up Bunker Hill which really isn't Bunker Hill at all anyway). We signed up for the Duck Tour - one of those vehicles that goes on land and water. Our guide for the trip was a retired Boston history teacher. He was quite good except for the prerequisite retired teacher jokes. Sidenote on the Freedom Trail: I got my first senior citizens discount on the guided tour yesterday. I decided it was cause for celebration instead of the beginning of the end. . . .

The Duck tour was an hour and a half on land and sea, and very interesting. After disembarking the bus/boat we caught the ferry shuttle across the harbor to the long wharf. Found a Legal Seafood restaurant and had a late lunch. Followed by the 20 minute walk to the aforementioned Omni Parker House restaurant for Boston Cream Pie and green tea. Yummy x3! Walked back to the train and traveled back to Rockport. It was a full commuter train, but since we are the end of the line, only a few made it to the end.

We may stay local and explore the surrounding quaint villages tomorrow. Stay tuned. . . .RP