Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dynamically Cranking Down

One more weekday church service to sing. One more morning lecture. One more movie to
see. We're cranking down, dynamically.

Tonight is a 50's music concert, which I can hear out my window. But instead of rocking out, I'm determined to finish my Clinton/Starr book. . . only 60 pages to go.

After church this morning a was on my way to the post office and I pass the booth where the morning live radio show is broadcasted. Today's lecturer was there. It's always fun to see these people prior to the lecture, and close up. After the lecturer was Ken Gormley, author of The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr. I have been waiting all week to see this author who wrote this book I've been so involved with. And he did not disappoint. I procured a seat directly in front of him as he was interviewed. I always think about Chad when I'm watching these radio interviews and remember the times I've had the pleasure of sitting in on his radio show.

I was able to chat briefly with Mr. Gormley after his interview. I have enjoyed this monster book very much.

The 10:45 lecture was another big deal lawyer who gave an interesting talk on the various ways the court has of interpretting the constitution. The afternoon lecturer continued this theme and raised points that I had not thought of before. How about this. . .all rules are made in reaction to the past.

Ken Gormley's talk followed the afternoon lecture. It was a cool, sunny, breezy day with people rather bundled up. Almost a hint of fall in the air. However, rumor has it that we're expecting the high 80's on Saturday, so I'll enjoy this while I can.

I was offered a job while I waited for the afternoon lecture. One of the motet choir members is a pastor in a church in Amherst, Va, just south of where I live. He has an organist/choir director position at his church. It has been many years since I did a job like that. I don't want to have my weekends tied down, but how cool to be asked!

Ran into Lois Conrad and her husband Bill from back in Nelson County. They come up briefly each year, and it was fun to show them where my apartment will be next year. My landlady has told me I can leave whatever I want in the apartment for the winter. So I won't have to haul my $3 lawn chair home and back next year! I might leave some other stuff as well. I might look into buying a bike this weekend and leaving it here. I would love to have a bike here, but not at home!

It's getting pretty nostalgic around here. Our choir music for Sunday has some real tear jerkers in it. Brigadoon is about to disappear for another year. . . . .