Friday, August 13, 2010

Let's just say wine was involved. . . . .

Tried to blog last night but the internet wouldn't let me. And it was midnight. . .

Yesterday I turned into a Chautauqua party girl of sorts. This adds a new dimension to the place for sure!

Knowing I had two (yes, that's right. . .two) social invitations for the day, I spent the morning playing hookie on the sermon and the morning lecture. I went instead out to Turner gym for my workout. I really like working out there, and I can get a really good shower. . .and use the hairdryers! I took the tram back which takes me out to the north end of the grounds where I can enjoy the beautiful houses, yards, gardens and chatting up the tram driver.

Had lunch and took a nap, and then the busy part of the day began. Attended the afternoon lecture. This was Yossi Klein Halevi, a resident of Jerusalem who purposely made a concerted effort to join in and appreciate and learn about the Muslim and Christian residents of that city. He had some important points to make about the situation over there and ways for solving those issues. Really really thought provoking.

Then inspite of sitting in my $3 lawn chair under an umbrella as a 5 minute rain burst went by, I stayed for the next presentation. . . the author of the book, The Lost City of Z. He told about his trip into the Amazon which he outlined in his book. I love seeing these authors after reading their work. In that vein. .the book for next week is The Enchantress of Florence by none other than Salman Rushdie, who will be here next week. I did not have high hopes for liking this book. I mean he wrote a book called The Satanic Verses and people wanted to kill him for it. I wasn't sure what to expect. But the book is a charming, magical and often whimsical fable of ancient India and Florence. He is a lovely writer and I am enjoying this book very much and look forward to hearing and seeing him next week.

Okay. . now to the wine part. I was invited to come after the book talk to the house of a friend whom I met at the movies while I was here week 2. She lives across from my friend Deloras, who was also there with another friend and her granddaughter and gd's boyfriend. Lovely group of people. Wine!!!! Staying in a denominational house is restrictive when it comes to a little nip of wine in the evening. I had two glasses and loved the hour I spent talking and laughing with these great people.

Unfortunately I had to go straight from there to choir practice, which I got through without too many people suspecting that I had been drinking!!! I think for the most part they would have been jealous.

Then the orchestra concert. . . Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. The second a violin concerto. At the end of that concert I was invited back to the home of Juanita Jackson who is hosting Joe and Paco this week. I had stayed one night with Juanita last year when I extended my visit by a day. The party was great, attended by many of the Jacksons' friends who live year round in Chautauqua. Also attending, Stefan Sanderling, the orchestra conductor, and Ilya Kaler, the solo violinist. What an illustrious group to find myself a part of! Great food and conversation. . . more wine. I had a interesting chat with Paco about his and Joe's recent trip to Ethiopia. I had no idea there was so much to see and do in Ethiopia! My my, people do travel the globe these days. And at the end of the party, I got a ride back to the center grounds from none other than Stefan Sanderling himself. He and his lovely wife graciously drove me back to the plaza, where I shared back seat space with the suit he had worn to conduct the orchestra. Wonderful couple. How cool. How much fun.

Got to my room at midnight and the internet was gritchy so I went to bed. I'll leave you with a quote from the Chautauquan Daily regarding Ken Burns: "Burns said he, along with everyone else on the grounds, is here to seek 'some sort of rearrangement of our molecules' consistent with lifelong improvement and transformation." This, I have learned, may or may not include wine.