Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rain rain. . . . .

Well I can't complain. . . it hasn't rained that much up here. And it's cooler. .better sleeping weather.

Last night's orchestra concert was amazing. . . . a Ravel piano concerto with a superb soloist, and the Dvorak's New World Symphony. It began a steady, but not too noisy rain, in the middle of the Dvorak. I rather liked that. It reminded me so much of my summers up at Interlochen when I was in college.

There was a choir party today at the home off the grounds of one of the members. A wonderful 100+ year old house. Pot luck. . . .wine!!!

Old fashioned hymn sing tonight in the amp. The choir sat in the audience with audience members all around that. It was fun. Reminded me of my days in church camp when I was a teenager. This place really harkens up the memories for me.

Last week starts tomorrow. Supreme Court. I spent the better part of yesterday and today making headway on the 700+ page book that is The Death of American Virtue. It is a step by step (I almost said blow by blow) account of the Bill Clinton scandals from Whitewater through Monica Lewinsky. I never paid that much close attention to just what was going on. This is a riveting, and fair portrayal of both sides of the argument, and is much more interesting and compelling than I thought it was going to be. The author will be here this week.

Also a classic Bette Davis movie on Wednesday night. Looking forward to my last week before getting home and being faced with having to keep a house clean at all times. YUCK!!!!